Porn Star Reads to Kids, Nation Freaks Out

An ex-porn star read to some elementary school kids.

That’s it. That’s the whole story. She didn’t tell the kids to Google her when they got home. She didn’t pass out porn DVDs afterwards and she didn’t do a striptease beforehand or read while naked. None of the kids got punched in the face during any sort of mini-first grade riot and most importantly, none of those kids were traumatized.  And yet…somehow…this story actually made it to several news sites, two wire services and at least one TV station. So how did that happen?

(steps off soapbox)

(puts on news hat)

Every year, the National Education Association sponsors a program called Read Across America, where they coordinate reading-based events in which adults to read to local children in libraries, schools and community centers (1). This year, at Emerson Elementary School in Compton, California, actress Marina Hintzis,  who has appeared on HBO’s Entourage and the Steven Soderbergh film “The Girlfriend Experience” was invited to read to a group of 1st and 3rd graders (2) (3) (4). Marina Hintzis is more commonly known however as Sasha Grey. An (ex) porn star. Cue hysteria.

After parents at the school filed a complaint with the PTA, the principal attempted to deny that Hintzis/Grey had ever been there at all (5).

We have several celebrities who read to our students each year. The actress you have indicated [Sasha] was not present

Unfortunately, for them, celebrity gossip site TMZ somehow managed to get a hold of pictures taken at the event, which clearly show that Grey was in fact at that school (5). Man, let me tell ya, if TMZ keeps this up, I might even have to start referring to them as a real news site. Shocking! But Grey refused to back down, and was apparently supported in her decision by the NEA. She issued a statement saying (6)

I believe education is a universal right. I committed to this program with the understanding that people would have their own opinions about what I have done, who I am and what I represent…. I cannot thank my fans and “Read Across America” enough for supporting my decision.Your support and kind words continue to inspire me.

And if that wasn’t enough controversy for one week, local TV station KTLA decided to stir the pot even more by tracking down local parents who hadn’t heard about the story yet and capturing their reactions on camera, including a father who said (7).

They couldn’t find a fireman or police officer or nothin’ else? They had to get a porn star? I mean I just don’t think that’s right. I really don’t.

I guess that is a good question. Why couldn’t they find a “respectable” citizen to participate in this program? Well maybe it has something to do with the fact that this program has been running for 13 years, and yet (as best as I’ve been able to determine) they’ve never received any mainstream media coverage for it (1).


1. NEA’s Read Across America

2. Ex-porn star reading to students causes stir

3. Porn star Sasha Grey gets a mainstream role

4. Sasha Grey’s twitter account

5. Porn Legend Sasha Grey Reads to 1st Graders, School Attempts Cover-Up

6. I am proud to have participated in the “Read Across America” program

7. Porn Star Reads to Elementary School Kids, Parents Outraged,0,973081.story

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